Visual Studio Code Atom

VSCode Theme based on Atom's One Dark theme. Best rated One Dark theme port in the marketplace, features full Workbench theming.

Atom Visual Studio Code UI theme This theme aims to reproduce the exact feeling of work with Visual Studio Code. So you don't need to renounce to the features of Atom to enjoy a great workflow. It looks even better with monokai syntax. To start, Visual Studio Code and Atom proportion DNA. Both of these editors use Electron, which lets developers create complete-fledged computing device apps with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Some people are vehemently against this idea, but that is every other tale. Visual Studio Code has a guide to creating extensions, but nothing like the top-down hacker’s tour Atom provides. Visual Studio Code vs. Atom: Plug-ins and integration Atom was designed to be.


Eliminate context switching and costly distractions. Create and merge PRs and perform code reviews from inside your IDE while using jump-to-definition, your keybindings, and other IDE favorites.
Learn more


This extension is available for free in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace

Looking for the One Light theme?

If you are interested you can also have the One Light theme available here.

What's new?

Click here to go to the Changelog


If you find any inconsistency in any language, raise an Issue and I'll fix it, please provide a sample for the language so I can compare.

Attention: If you are using VSCode 1.43.0, you must be seeing very different colors, as reported here. An update to VSCode will be released fixing this issue for all themes, in the meantime, make sure you set this in your settings:


If you are using VSCode 1.12+ versions you can customize the colors to your liking, overriding the ones provided by this theme. More info here.

Custom Font

Visual studio code download

The original One Dark theme does not use a custom font, for that reason I don't supply a custom font either, but you might be used to see screenshots of the One Dark theme using the Fira Mono font. You can easily customize your settings to use it.
If you download and install the font in your system, you can add this option to have a custom font:

Visual Studio Code Atom Comparison

Visual Studio Code Atom


Using Visual Studio Code* with DevCloud

To get started with Microsoft Visual Studio Code* and establishing a connection to Intel® DevCloud follow the instructions below.

Visual Studio Code Atom

Connect to DevCloud with Visual Studio Code

Atom Editor Vs Visual Studio Code

  1. Setup your SSH Config

    Option 1: Automated Configuration (Recommended)

    The easiest method to set up an SSH connection to is by downloading and running an automated installer. The installer will add SSH configuration entries to ~/.ssh/config and create a private SSH key file inside ~/.ssh.

    1. Download and save the automatic installer script customized for your account
    2. Execute this script in a terminal window (you may need to adjust the command according to your download location and the downloaded file name):
    3. Clean up for security:

    Option 2: Manual Configuration

    1. Download and save the SSH access key for Linux/macOS to the folder ~/Downloads/ on your computer
      * Sign In to see the download link.
    2. Create the directory ~/.ssh, unless it already exists and move the private SSH key into permanent storage in ~/.ssh:If you saved your key in a location other than ~/Downloads/, insert the correct path.
      * Sign In to see the value of <user> for your account.
    3. Add the following lines to file ~/.ssh/config (if you do not have this file, simply create one):Note: if you have multiple accounts on the Intel DevCloud, you can change the hostname devcloud to any other identifier to differentiate between your accounts. This is the hostname that you will use in the ssh and scp commands.
      * Sign In to see the value of <user> for your account.
    4. Set the correct restrictive permissions on it and on the SSH client config file. To do this, run the following commands in a terminal:* Sign In to see the value of <user> for your account.
    Note : If you Are Behind an SSH Proxy

    In the interest of security, some business networks require that all outgoing connections are established via a corporate proxy. If you followed the instructions above but are getting the error 'Connection timed out', you are likely on such a business network. To comply with the security rules of your company, modify ~/.ssh/config as below:

    Here, <proxy_name> and <port> are, respectively, the hostname and port of the corporate proxy. It is usually provided to you by your IT department.

  2. Download, install, and launch Visual Studio Code* (VS Code*). If you already have installed you can skip this step.
  3. Install Remote – SSH Extensions from the Visual Studio Marketplace*
    • Click the left menu icon for Extensions
    • Search for Remote — SSH
    • Install the Remote — SSH Extension
  4. Set Remote Connection Panel to SSH Targets
    1. Go to icon on the left side bar for Remote Connections
    2. Remote Explorer should be set to SSH Targets
  5. Configure SSH Connection for VS Code* for your OS:
    • Windows — Cygwin*
      • Set SSH Config Path
        • Hover over SSH Targets and click the gear icon
        • Click Settings to select SSH Config
        • Find your SSH Config in open menu. The Cygwin default location is located at: C:cygwin64home<user>.sshconfig
        • Click Refresh icon on SSH Targets Bar
      • Set SSH Executable
        • Go to VS Code* File -> Preferences -> Settings
        • Search Settings for ssh.path and locate Remote.SSH: Path
        • Set this value to your Cygwin executable. Default value will be C:cygwin64binssh.exe
    • Linux and macOS
      • Set SSH Config Path
        • By default, it should already be pointing to ~/.ssh/config. If not, follow the below instructions.
        • Hover over SSH Targets and click the gear icon
        • Select your SSH Config location from default locations
        • If you have a custom location, click Settings, and find your configuration, then click the refresh icon
  6. Request a compute node
    • Open a new terminal and SSH to devcloud
    • Enter the following command qsub -I to acquire a compute node as shown below. Tip: If you need a specific hardware type look at our other documentation for specifying a hardware type using qsub
    • Copy your compute node name indicated on the command line prompt, shown below, as this will be used in the next step for port forwarding
  7. Port Forwarding
    • Open a new terminal
    • Execute the following command: Example: If your compute node hostname is s001-n059, you would execute the following command:
  8. Connect VS Code* to Intel DevCloud
    • Hover over the devcloud-vscode server entry (as shown below) and on the far right of the highlighted entry there should be an icon that will allow you to connect to the server
    • Click the icon to connect. By Default, a new VS Code* Instance should open and connect you to the server
  9. Connected to Intel DevCloud
    • You are now connected to the login node of the DevCloud. You can verify this by checking for the SSH Config name, SSH:devcloud-vscode, in the lower-left corner.

Visual Studio Code Atom Theme

Sample Browser for Intel® OneAPI Toolkit Extension on DevCloud

The Sample Browser for Intel OneAPI Toolkits Extension allows you to view code samples directly in Visual Studio Code*. Learn how to install the extension and download your first sample below.

  1. In the Extensions Panel, search for OneAPI and you will find several extensions
  2. Install the Sample Browser for Intel OneAPI Toolkits extension by clicking the Install button
  3. This extension requires a reload of VS Code*, you can do this by clicking on the Reload Required button that appeared next to the install button
  4. Click on the OneAPI extension icon on the left sidebar shown below:
  5. Download your first sample
    Let’s choose Get Started -> Vector Add sample by following the sequence 1 and 2 shown below
    1. Hover over the sample name and on the far right of the name you will see a plus button appear.
    2. Click on the plus button and you will see a prompt for where you want the sample to be located in.
    Tip: Whichever folder you select, the files will be placed directly in that folder. It is helpful to create a folder with a relevant folder name before selecting a sample so your home directory doesn’t become cluttered.
Disconnect Visual Studio Code* from DevCloud

Once completed working on DevCloud you can close the remote connection by selecting File -> Close Remote Connection from the VS Code* menu. Alternatively, click the remote-ssh notification in the lower-left corner of the VS Code* window that says SSH:devcloud-vscode and select Close Remote Connection from the list of Remote-SSH commands