Macos Big Sur Brew

Currently Brew is being updated incrementally to support MacOS Big Sur. You can follow the progress in the corresponding GitHub issue. There is very little breakage in the core for Big Sur on intel and most of the work is to get core features working on the pre-release Apple Silicon hardware. I upgraded from Mohave to Big Sur and found that homebrew is not working any more. I installed the command line tools using the command xcode-select -install After I run brew list, I get the foll.

Today I’d like to announce Homebrew 2.6.0. The most significant changes since 2.5.0 are macOS Big Sur support on Intel, brew commands replacing all brew cask commands, the beginnings of macOS M1/Apple Silicon/ARM support and API deprecations.

Macos Big Sur Brew

Major changes and deprecations since 2.5.0:

  • macOS Homebrew running natively on M1/Apple Silicon/ARM has partial functionality. We recommend installing into /opt/homebrew and forbid installing into /usr/local (to avoid clashing with the macOS Intel install and allow their usage side-by-side). We currently recommend running Homebrew using Intel emulation with Rosetta 2.
  • brew tap-new will set up GitHub Actions workflows toupload to GitHub Releases. Read the blog post for more documentation.

Other changes since 2.5.0 I’d like to highlight are the following:

Macos Big Sur Brewing


  • Discourse and IRC are now deprecated as official communication methods in favour of GitHub Discussions.
  • Homebrew accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors and still accepts donations through Patreon. If you can afford it, please consider donating. If you’d rather not use GitHub Sponsors or Patreon (our preferred donation methods), check out the other ways to donate in our README.

Macos Big Sur Brewery

Thanks to all our hard-working maintainers, contributors, sponsors and supporters for getting us this far. Enjoy using Homebrew! Wolframalpha.

I recently upgraded from MacOS Catalina to Big Sur Beta and the first thing I noticed was that my dev environment was broken. My website was setup locally using Jekyll and when I tried to run ‘bundle exec jekyll serve’, I got this error:

And running ‘bundle install’ didn’t seem to solve it (even with sudo), it showed this error:

Running gem install eventmachine also returns an error, and the mkmf.log file showed an error with ruby:

And at the time of writing this post, Homebrew doesn’t support MacOS 11 Big Sur, so “brew install rbenv ruby-build” doesn’t work.


How to fix command line tools (CLT) in MacOS Big Sur:

Install Homebrew Big Sur


I did some search online, and found this answer on stack overflow (Which involves installing Xcode 12 beta);


So follow these steps to install rbenv. You need xcode installed for step 4. Also, I updated the steps to match my use case;

  • git clone ~/.rbenv
  • cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src
  • Add ~/.rbenv/bin to your $PATH for access to the rbenv command-line utility. see:
  • Make sure export PATH='$HOME/.rbenv/shims:${PATH}' was added to your $PATH
  • xcode-select --switch /Applications/
  • Now in your Jekyll project's root, you should be able to run bundle install and it should install all missing dependencies.

Now ‘bundle exec jekyll serve’ should start your server. Download welding driver.

I hope this helps someone ✌🏾