Github Markup Language Free online dictionary in English, German, French, Spanish. On GitHub, you can use all notations; On SE platforms, you must use the HTML syntax notations, as said above. The GitHub Flavored Markdown only mentions that. A small place to discover more about the usage of programming languages in GitHub. Chrome: If you write a lot for the web, then you're probably doing a lot of switching between various markup languages. If there's one you tend to prefer more than another, then Marksy is a Chrome. Almost all text on GitHub is processed through a markup language called Markdown — it's an easy way to include simple formatting (like italics, bold.

We show rendered markup in several places on GitHub, most notably including a
project’s main README on the Repository page itself.

Starting today, GitHub supports relative links in markup files. Now you can
link directly between different documentation files, whether you view the
documentation on GitHub itself, or locally, using a different markup renderer.

You want examples of link definitions and how they work? Here’s some
Markdown for you. Instead of an absolute link:

…you can use a relative link:

and we’ll make sure it gets linked to user/repo/blob/branch/

If you were using a workaround like [a workaround link](repo/blob/master/,
you’ll have to update your documentation to use the new syntax.

Drivers startec. This also means your documentation can now easily stand on its own, without always
pointing to GitHub.

If you want more information, we have a help article for you. Happy documenting!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

{{bottomLinkPreText}}{{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit).

Github Markup Language

Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply.

Markdown File Format

Github Wiki Markup Language

Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.FormatGithub Markup Language

Github Supported Markup Languages

Github Markdown Language

Cover photo is available under {{ || 'Unknown'}} license.Cover photo is available under {{ || 'Unknown'}} license. Credit: (see original file).